
Proceedings before Special Chambers

(a) Applicable rules

Proceedings before a standing chamber of the Tribunal, an ad hoc chamber or the Chamber of Summary Procedure are governed by the Rules applicable in contentious cases before the Tribunal, subject to the provisions of the Convention and the Rules relating specifically to the special chambers (Rules, article 107)

(b) Request to submit the case to a special chamber

A case is dealt with by a standing chamber or the Chamber of Summary Procedure when a request to this effect has been made in the document instituting the proceedings and the parties are in agreement (Rules, article 108, paragraph 1).

A request for the formation of an ad hoc chamber must be made within two months from the date of the institution of proceedings. The chamber is constituted if the parties are in agreement. It is composed in the manner provided for in articles 30 and 31 of the Rules.

The President of the Tribunal convenes the special chamber at the earliest date compatible with the requirements of the procedure (Rules, article 108, paragraph 4).

(c) Proceedings

Written proceedings in a case before a chamber consist of a single pleading by each party to be filed within a time-limit fixed by the chamber, or its President if the chamber is not sitting. If necessary, the chamber may also authorize or decide the filing of further pleadings (Rules, article 109, paragraphs 1 and 2).

Oral proceedings take place unless the parties agree to dispense with them and the chamber so consents (Rules, article 109, paragraph 3).