The Tribunal

Judges ad hoc

If the Tribunal or a chamber does not include a judge of the nationality of a party to the dispute, that party may choose a person to sit as a judge. Should there be several parties in the same interest, they are considered for this purpose as one party only. Judges ad hoc need to fulfil the conditions of members, as set out in articles 2, 8 and 11 of the Statute. They participate in the case for which they are chosen on terms of complete equality with the other judges and take precedence after the members of the Tribunal and in order of seniority of age.

Since the inception of the Tribunal, judges ad hoc have been chosen in the following cases:

Southern Bluefin Tuna Cases (New Zealand v. Japan; Australia v. Japan), Provisional Measures: Mr Ivan Shearer (Australia) was jointly nominated by Australia and New Zealand.

Case concerning the Conservation and Sustainable Exploitation of Swordfish Stocks in the South-Eastern Pacific Ocean (Chile/European Union): Mr Francisco Orrego Vicuña (Chile) was chosen by Chile.

The "Grand Prince" Case (Belize v. France), Prompt Release: Mr Jean-Pierre Cot (France) was chosen by France.

The MOX Plant Case (Ireland v. United Kingdom), Provisional Measures: Mr Alberto Székely (Mexico) was chosen by Ireland.

The "Volga" Case (Russian Federation v. Australia), Prompt Release: Mr Ivan Shearer (Australia) was chosen by Australia.

Case concerning Land Reclamation by Singapore in and around the Straits of Johor (Malaysia v. Singapore), Provisional Measures: Mr Kamal Hossain (Bangladesh) was chosen by Malaysia and Mr Bernard H. Oxman (United States of America) was chosen by Singapore.

Dispute concerning delimitation of the maritime boundary between Bangladesh and Myanmar in the Bay of Bengal (Bangladesh/Myanmar)Mr Thomas Mensah (Ghana) was chosen by Bangladesh and Mr Bernard H. Oxman (United States of America) was chosen by Myanmar.

The M/V "Virginia G" Case (Panama/Guinea-Bissau)Mr Tullio Treves (Italy) was chosen by Panama and Mr José Manuel Sérvulo Correia (Portugal) was chosen by Guinea-Bissau.

The "ARA Libertad" Case (Argentina v. Ghana), Provisional Measures: Mr Thomas A. Mensah (Ghana) was chosen by Ghana.

The "Arctic Sunrise" Case (Kingdom of the Netherlands v. Russian Federation), Provisional Measures: Mr David H. Anderson (Great Britain) was chosen by the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Dispute concerning delimitation of the maritime boundary between Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire in the Atlantic Ocean (Ghana/Côte d'Ivoire)Mr Thomas A. Mensah (Ghana) was chosen by Ghana and Mr Ronny Abraham (France) was chosen by Côte d'Ivoire.

The "Enrica Lexie" Incident (Italy v. India): Mr Francesco Francioni (Italy) was chosen by Italy.

The M/V “Norstar” Case (Panama v. Italy): Mr Gudmundur Eiriksson (Iceland) was chosen by Panama and Mr Tullio Treves (Italy) was chosen by Italy.

The M/T “San Padre Pio” Case (Switzerland v. Nigeria), Provisional Measures: Ms Anna Petrig (Switzerland) was chosen by Switzerland and Mr Sean David Murphy (United States of America) was chosen by Nigeria.

Dispute concerning delimitation of the maritime boundary between Mauritius and Maldives in the Indian Ocean (Mauritius/Maldives): Mr Nicolaas Schrijver (The Netherlands) was chosen by Mauritius and Mr Bernard H. Oxman (United States of America) was chosen by Maldives.

The M/T ”San Padre Pio” (No. 2) Case (Switzerland/Nigeria): Ms Anna Petrig (Switzerland) was chosen by Switzerland and Mr Sean David Murphy (United States of America) was chosen by Nigeria.

The M/T "Heroic Idun" (No. 2) Case (Marshall Islands/Equatorial Guinea): Mr Gudmundur Eiriksson (Iceland) has been chosen by Marshall Islands and Mr Philippe Couvreur (Belgium) has been chosen by Equatorial Guinea.

The “Zheng He” Case (Luxembourg v. Mexico): Mr Marcelo Kohen (Argentina) has been chosen by Luxembourg and Mr Alberto Székely (Mexico) has been chosen by Mexico.