Judge Osman Keh Kamara
Member of the Tribunal since 1 October 2023
Born: Mayaya, Lungi, Sierra Leone, 15 August 1975.
Education: LL.B. Hons., University of Sierra Leone (1999); BL, Sierra Leone Law School (2000); Nippon Foundation Fellow, ITLOS (2010); Diploma, Rhodes Academy of Ocean Law and Policy, Greece (2011); MPA, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University (2013); LL.M., Queen Mary University of London (2020); LL.M., Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne (2021).
Professional Experience: Law firm Terence Terry & Co. Freetown, Sierra Leone (2000-2008); Co-Counsel (Appeals Chamber), Special Court for Sierra Leone, Freetown and The Hague (2006-2007); Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, as such participating in work of Sixth Committee (2008-2014); assisted in preparation of Sierra Leone’s submission to CLCS (2008-2016); Member of the UN Group of Experts on “Assessment of the State of Marine Environment including its Socio-Economic Aspects” DOALOS (2010-2020); Ambassador of Sierra Leone to Ethiopia (2014-2018); Permanent Representative to the African Union and UN Economic Commission for Africa (2014-2018); Non-Resident Ambassador/High Commissioner to Kenya, South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Zambia, Mozambique, Madagascar, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Eswatini and Israel (2014-2018); Head of Sierra Leone delegation, United Nations Environment meeting, Cairo, Egypt (2016); Special Adviser: African Union Maritime Strategy, Department of Political Affairs, Peace and Security (2019-2021); Special Adviser, African Union Silencing the Guns Initiative (2019-2022).
Member: Sierra Leone Bar (2000-present).
Publications and Lectures: Among others, “Section 2.4.1. Legal: Review of the Policy and Institutional Measures for the Conservation and Equitable Sharing of Benefits of Sierra Leone Biodiversity”, in: Sierra Leone Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (BSAP), jointly funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources of Sierra Leone and the World Bank office in Freetown, 2002; “An Analysis of the Adequacy of the Dispute Settlement Mechanism Under UNCLOS: Maritime Boundary Delimitation Disputes”, in: Shielding Humanity: Essays in International Law in Honour of Judge Abdul G. Koroma, Charles C. Jalloh and Olufemi Elias (eds.), Martinus Nijhoff/Brill, 2015; lead presenter, “African Charter on Maritime Security, Safety and Development in Africa”, 9th Annual Joint Consultative Meeting of the AU PSC and the EU PSC, Brussels, Belgium, 2016.