Judge Ida Caracciolo
Member of the Tribunal since 1 October 2020
Born: Rome, Italy, 24 November 1961.
Education: Law Degree Magna cum Laude, “La Sapienza” University, Rome (1985); The Hague Academy of International Law, Summer Courses on International Public Law (1989); Inter University Centre of Post-graduate Studies of Dubrovnik, Summer Course on the Law of the Sea (1990); Researcher in International Law, Faculty of Law, “Tor Vergata” University, Rome (1992-2001); Associate Professor in International Law, Faculty of Law, University of Naples 2 (2001-2005).
Professional Experience: Head or participant in several research projects on International Law and the Law of the Sea also funded by the Italian National Research Council (1989-present); Legal Expert, Legal Affairs Service, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (1994-2020); Member of the Italian delegation for several bilateral negotiations, including: exchange of views on the delimitation of the continental shelf between Italy and Malta (1994-2012), exchange of views on the regime of the Sicily Channel waters and their delimitation with Tunisia (1994-2000), the delimitation of maritime spaces between Italy and France (2006-2012), the delimitation of maritime spaces between Italy and Greece (2013-2014); Member of the Italian delegation for several organs and committees within international organizations, among which the Council of Europe (CAHDI), the European Union (COJUR and COMAR), the United Nations (UNGA VI Committee) and for several multilateral negotiations; Counsel of Italy in cases before the International Court of Justice (“The Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons”, 1995-1996; “The Immunity from Legal Process of a Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights”, 1998-1999; “The Legality of Use of Force”, 1999-2004), the EU Court of Justice (“Criminal Proceedings against Dante Bigi”, 2000-2001), the European Court of Human Rights (“Beyeler v. Italy”, 2000-2002), the Tribunal (“Enrica Lexie”, 2015; “M/V Norstar”, 2016-2018), the ad hoc Tribunal under Annex VII of UNCLOS (“The Enrica Lexie Incident”, 2015-2020); Speaker at several conferences and workshops in Italy and abroad on International Law and in particular on the Law of the Sea (2001-present); Director of the Master’s Degree in “Economy, Politics and Law of the Sea”, Faculty of Political Studies, University of Naples 2 (2005-2009); Full Professor of International Law, Department of Political Sciences, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” (previously Naples 2) (2005-present); President of the MA Course in “International Relations and Organizations”, Department of Political Science, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” (2010-2021); Ad hoc judge in the European Court of Human Rights (application n. 58428/13, Berlusconi v. Italy) (2016-2018); Professor of Advanced International Law (in English), University of Naples “Federico II” (2017-present); Barrister in the Rome Bar (1989-present); Alternate Arbitrator of the OSCE Court of Arbitration and Conciliation (2019-present); Member of the Administrative Court of the International Italo-Latin American Organisation (IILA) (since 2022); Visiting Professor in International Law and the Law of the Sea at different foreign universities; Lecturer on the Law of the Sea in numerous post-degree courses in institutions of higher education and other high training colleges in Italy.
Member: Italian Society of International Law (SIDI-ISIL) (1996-present); Board of Professors in the PhD Program in “Comparative Law and Integration Processes”, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” (2002-present) and in the PhD Program in “Environment, Comparative Law and Transition”, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” (2022-present); European Society of International Law (ESIL) (2005-present); Italian Society for International Organization (SIOI) (2006-present); Italian Branch of the International Law Association (ILA Italy) (2017-present) and member of the Board (2021-present); CoNISMa (National Inter-university Consortium in the field of Marine Sciences) (2018-present); Permanent Court of Arbitration (2014-present); Director of a book series and member of the scientific boards of several scientific reviews and book series.
Publications: Author of numerous publications in Italian, English and French on Public International Law, the Law of the Sea and Human Rights Law, including in the last 15 years: “L’associazionismo internazionale nel diritto del mare: la Commissione sui limiti esterni della piattaforma continentale”, in: N. Parisi, M. Fumagalli Meraviglia, A. Santini and D. Rinoldi (eds.), Scritti in onore di Ugo Draetta, Editoriale Scientifica, Naples, 2011; Il diritto internazionale: diritto per gli Stati e diritto per gli individui. Parte generale (with U. Leanza), Giappichelli Editore, Turin, 2012; “Il caso dell’Enrica Lexie alla luce del diritto internazionale” (with F. Graziani), in: La Comunità internazionale, Vol. 13, 2013; “L’Unione europea e la protezione dell’ambiente marino del Mediterraneo dall’esplorazione e sfruttamento di idrocarburi offshore”, in: Scritti in onore di Giuseppe Tesauro, Editoriale Scientifica, vol. III, Naples, 2014; “International Terrorism at Sea between Maritime Safety and National Security. From the 1988 SUA Convention to the 2005 SUA Protocol”, in: International Law of the Sea. Current Trends and Controversial Issues, A. Del Vecchio (ed.), Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, 2014; “Diritto internazionale e conflitto tra giurisdizioni nel caso ‘Enrica Lexie’”, in: Scritti in memoria di Maria Rita Saulle, Editoriale Scientifica, Naples, 2014; Conflitti armati interni e regionalizzazione delle guerre civili (ed.), Giappichelli Editore, Turin, 2016; “The Limitations of the 1968 Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: International Law in Support of Nuclear Disarmament”, in: Nuclear Weapons: Strengthening International Legal Regime, I. Caracciolo, M. Pedrazzi and T. Vassalli Di Dachenhausen (eds.), Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, 2016; Nuclear Weapons: Strengthening International Legal Regime (ed., with M. Pedrazzi, T. Vassalli di Dachenhausen), Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, 2016; L’evoluzione del peacekeeping: il ruolo dell’Italia (ed.), Giappichelli Editore, Turin, 2017; “Migration and the Law of the Sea: Solutions and Limitations of a Fragmentary Regime”, in: Collected Studies in Honour of Djamchid Momtaz, A. Pellet and J. Crawford (eds.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2017; “Some Concluding Remarks on the Twofold Goals of Contemporary Peacekeeping: Security and Human Rights”, in: New Models of Peacekeeping. Security and Protection of Human Rights (ed., with U. Montuoro), Giappichelli Editore, Turin, 2018; New Models of Peacekeeping. Security and Protection of Human Rights (ed., with U. Montuoro), Giappichelli Editore, Turin, 2018; Preserving Cultural Heritage and National Identities for International Peace and Security (ed., with U. Montuoro), Giappichelli Editore, Turin, 2018; “Due diligence et droit de la mer”, in: Le standard de due diligence et la responsabilité internationale, S. Cassella (ed.), Pedone, Paris, 2018; “La giurisprudenza della Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo nell’interpretazione del principio del giusto processo da parte della Corte penale internazionale”, in: Mélanges en l’honneur de Guido Raimondi, L.A. Sicilianos and R. Spano, (eds.), Wolf Legal Publisher, Tilburg, 2019; Il diritto internazionale: diritto per gli Stati e diritto per gli individui. Parti speciali (with U. Leanza), Giappichelli Editore, Turin, 2020; “Les espaces maritimes des îles”, in: Iles et droit international, J.-L. Iten (ed.), Pedone, Paris, 2020; and "UN Actions and Programs in Safeguarding the Independence of Judges", in: The Rule of Law in Europe, Recent Challenges and Judicial Responses, M. Elósgui, A. Miron and I. Motoc (eds.), Springer, Cham, 2021; “Enforcing Sanctions on Iran at Sea: Tensions over the Interpretation and Application of the Law of the Sea”, in: Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Law. Nuclear Disarmament and Security at Risk-Legal Challenges in a Shifting Nuclear World, J. L. Black-Branch, D. Fleck (eds.), Asser Press, The Hague, 2021; “Unilateral Interests of States, Common Interests of States and Interests of Mankind: From Coexistence to Cooperation in the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea”, in: Ascomare Yearbook of the Law of the Sea. Law of the Sea. Interpretation and Definitions, P. Leucci I. Vianello (eds.), Luglio Editore, Trieste, 2021; “Navigazione marittima e misure di contenimento del Covid-19. La difficile ricerca di un equilibrio tra interesse ai traffici commerciali e tutela della salute pubblica”, in: “Norme giuridiche e prassi sanitaria. Diritto internazionale e diritto interno alla prova del Covid-19. Temi scelti”, S. Angioi, S. Cappabianca (eds.), Editoriale scientifica, Naples, 2021; “Il contrasto all'inquinamento marino da plastica. Sono sufficienti gli strumenti convenzionali vigenti o è necessario un accordo ad hoc?”, in: Liber Amicorum Sergio Marchisio. Il diritto della comunità internazionale tra caratteristiche strutturali e tendenze innovative, Giappichelli Editore, Turin, 2022; and “La disciplina della pesca”, in: L’accordo sugli scambi commerciali e la cooperazione tra l’Unione europea e il Regno Unito, G. Adinolfi, A. Malatesta, M. Vellano (eds.), Giappichelli Editore, Turin, 2022; Protecting the Marine Environment during an Armed Conflict: A Possible Contribution by the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, in: Environment and Natural Resources. What Regime and Protection in Case of Armed Violence?, in Quaderno della Rassegna della giustizia militare, 2023, I. Caracciolo (ed.); “L’Itlos nell’interpretazione della Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sul diritto del mare del 1982: la giurisprudenza sulla nave, sulle attività delle navi in mare e sulle facoltà e gli obblighi dello stato della bandiera”, in: Rivista del diritto della navigazione, 2, 2023; “Le contrôle judiciaire établi par la Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer. Le rôle multiforme du Tribunal international du droit de la mer”, in: La Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer. Bilan et perspectives, M.-P. Lanfranchi (ed.), DICE Éditions, Aix-en-Provence, 2024; “Il contributo dell’ITLOS alla prevedibilità e alla stabilità del diritto del mare”: in Mare liberum, mare clausum. Quarant’anni dalla Convenzione di Montego Bay sul diritto del mare, F. Marrella, U. Vattani (eds.), Giuffré, Milan, 2024; “Rethinking legal categories on forced migration: Latin American specificity and possible fertilisation of the European system”, in: International Migration and the Law Legal Approaches to a Global Challenge, A. Di Stasi, I. Caracciolo, G. Cellamare, P. Gargiulo (eds.), Routledge, London, New York, 2024; and “La pesca nella prospettiva del Tribunale Internazionale del Diritto del Mare”, in: Approcci e strumenti innovativi per la pesca sostenibile nel mar Mediterraneo. Percorsi evolutivi nell’ordinamento internazionale ed europeo, G. Cataldi, V. Rossi (eds.), Naples, Editoriale scientifica, 2024.
Distinctions: Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (2013).
