Judge Hidehisa Horinouchi
Member of the Tribunal since 1 October 2023
Born: Kanagawa, Japan, 12 November 1957.
Education: LL.B, Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo (1980); Overseas Student, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China (1981-1983); Graduate School of Arts & Science, Harvard University (1983-1984).
Academic Profession: Lecturer: Graduate School of Law, Waseda University (2000-2002), Faculty of Economy, Shiga University (2011), American University of Phnom Penh (2018), National Institute of Diplomacy and International Relations in Cambodia (2019), Center of Japan Studies, Groningen University (2020).
Professional Experience: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan: Principal Deputy Director, Treaties Division (1990-1992), Chief Officer in charge of development of Law of the Sea legislation (1995-1996), Director, International Agreements Division (1999-2000), Director, Legal Affairs Division (2000-2002), Director, China and Mongolia Division (2002-2004), Deputy Director-General, Intelligence and Analysis Service (2007-2009), Deputy Director-General, International Legal Affairs Bureau (2009-2010); Conclusion Meeting, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992); First Secretary, Embassy of Japan, China (1992-1995); Counselor, Embassy of Japan, USA (1996-1999); Japan-China Negotiation on the Framework of Mutual Notification on Marine Scientific Research (2000); Minister (Political), Embassy of Japan, China (2004-2007); The Regional Symposium for the 30th Anniversary of the Adoption of the 1977 Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions (2007); head of delegation, 24th Session, CLCS (2009); Minister (Administration), Embassy of Japan, China (2010-2011); Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Embassy of Japan, China (2011-2014); head of delegation, 4th Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (2014); Consul-General of Japan, Los Angeles, USA (2014-2016); Ambassador of Japan to Cambodia (2016-2019); Head of delegation, 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st Session, Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the ICC (2019-2022); Head of delegation, 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th Session, Conference of States Parties of the OPCW (2019-2022); Ambassador of Japan to the Netherlands (2019-2023).
Publications: Among others, “The Case of Suspicious Boat at South-west Waters of Kyushu and International Law”, Waseda Law Review Vol. 79-1, September 2003; “Eight Hours on September 11”, in: Melting Borders and Transcending Law II, Security and International Crime, Tokyo University Press, 2005; “Remedy on the Chemical Gas Accident at Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province”, in: Issues of International Law in the 21st Century, Yushindo, July 2006; “Japan-China Consular Agreement: Trajectory from the Shenyang Incident”, Jurist No. 1402, Yuhikaku, June 2010; Japan’s Practice of International Law, Leiden University Press, 2020.