The Registry

Fellowship application form

Please note that once you start filling out the fellowship application form, your progress cannot be saved. It is advisable to collect the following information before starting:

  1. Full details of your educational experience (including name of the institution, dates attended, degrees and academic distinctions obtained, major courses of study);
  2. Full details of your employment record (including your position, duties and responsibilities, name of employer, address of employer, name of your supervisor and contact details);
  3. Proposed title of research in the law of the sea during the fellowship, a detailed description of the proposed research and of the practical use you will make of the research upon completion of the programme in relation to the responsibilities you expect to assume and the conditions existing in your country in the field of your interests;
  4. Details about any residence in foreign countries in relation to your professional or study interests;
  5. Details about your membership in professional societies and activities in civic, public or international affairs;
  6. Details of any fellowships or scholarships awarded to you;
  7. Full reference to any significant publications; and
  8. Any other supporting documentation (including CV, letter(s) of recommendation etc.)

The data provided with this application will be maintained purely for the purpose of evaluating your application and will not be transferred to third parties. Please note that the file size is limited to 1MB per upload.