Statements of President Wolfrum
- Statement given at the 73rd Biennial Conference of the International Law Association, Rio de Janeiro, 21 August 2008
- Statement delivered to the International Law Commission, Geneva, 31 July 2008
- Statement by Judge P. Chandrasekhara Rao, given on behalf of the President, at the 47th Session of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization, New Delhi, 1 July 2008
- Statement given on the occasion of the presentation of the Report of the Tribunal at the eighteenth Meeting of States Parties, 16 June 2008
- Statement by Judge Tullio Treves, given on behalf of the Tribunal, at the High- Level Mediterranean Conference organized by the European Commission, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the University Center for Euro-Mediterranean Studies, Piran, Slovenia, 10 June 2008: 'The Integrated Maritime Policy and the Mediterranean'
- Statement of acceptance of the 'Award for Meritorious Contribution towards the Development, Interpretation and Implementation of International Maritime Law', 3 May 2008
- Statement given at the Übersee-Club, Hamburg: 'The Value for Hamburg of the Tribunal for the Law of the Sea - Profile, Expectations and Reality', 27 February 2008
- Statement given at the Asia-Pacific Ambassadors' Luncheon: 'Proceedings before the Tribunal', Berlin, 17 January 2008
- 'Freedom of Navigation: New Challenges', 8 January 2008
- Statement on Agenda item 77 (a) at the plenary of the sixty-second session of the United Nations General Assembly, New York, 10 December 2007
- Statement given to the Informal Meeting of Legal Advisers of Ministries of Foreign Affairs, New York, 29 October 2007
- Speech by Judge Hugo Caminos, given on behalf of the President, at the First Meeting of International and Regional Courts of Justice of the World on the One-Hundredth Anniversary of the Central American Court of Justice: 'The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea: Several Considerations about its Jurisdiction and Procedures', Managua, 4 October 2007
- Statement by Judge Tullio Treves, given on behalf of the President, at the Second International Oil and Gas Conference, Managing Risk - Dispute Avoidance and Resolution: 'The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the Oil and Gas Industry', London, 20 September 2007
- Statement by Judge Albert Hoffmann, given on behalf of the President, at the 46th Session of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization, Cape Town, 5 July 2007
- Presentation given to the meeting of the Friends of the Tribunal at the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations in New York , 21 June 2007: 'The potential of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in the management and conservation of marine living resources'
- Statement given on the occasion of the presentation of the Report of the Tribunal at the seventeenth Meeting of States Parties, 18 June 2007
- Statement on Agenda item 71 (a) at the plenary of the sixty-first session of the United Nations General Assembly, New York, 8 December 2006
- Statement given at the opening of the regional workshop in Dakar, 31 October 2006
- Statement given to the Informal Meeting of Legal Advisers of Ministries of Foreign Affairs, New York, 23 October 2006
- Statement given to the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations, New York, 20 October 2006
- Statement given on the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary Ceremony, Hamburg, 29 September 2006
- Statement given on the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary Ceremony at the Vertretung der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg, Berlin, 18 September 2006
- Statement given on the occasion of the presentation of the Report of the Tribunal at the sixteenth Meeting of States Parties, 19 June 2006
- The 28th Doherty lecture 'Fighting Terrorism at Sea: Options and Limitations under International Law', 13 April 2006
- Statement by Judge Hugo Caminos, given on behalf of the President, at the 45th Session of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization, New Delhi, 4 April 2006
- Statement given on Agenda Item 75(a) at the Plenary of the sixtieth Session of the United Nations General Assembly, 28 November 2005
- Statement given to the Informal Meeting of Legal Advisers of Ministries of Foreign Affairs, New York, 24 October 2005
- Speech delivered on the occasion of the Information Session organized by the Tribunal for Diplomatic and Consular Representatives, 6 October 2005